enum Yuno::ChipType


Represents the type of a single chip. The numerical value associated with one of these values will always match the CHIP_ID of the chips.

Defined in:


Enum Members

Sn76489 = 0

Texas Instruments SN76489

Ym2413 = 1

Yamaha YM2413 (OPLL)

Ym2612 = 2

Yamaha YM2612 (OPN2)

Ym2151 = 3

Yamaha YM2151 (OPM)

SegaPcm = 4

Sega SegaPCM (315-5218)

Rf5c69 = 5

Ricoh RF5C69 (aka RF5C164, RF5C105). RF5C164 has a separate entry.

Ym2203 = 6

Yamaha YM2203 (OPN)

Ym2608 = 7

Yamaha YM2608 (OPNA)

Ym2610 = 8

Yamaha YM2610 and YM2610B (OPNB)

Ym3812 = 9

Yamaha YM3812 (OPL2)

Ym3526 = 10

Yamaha YM3526 (OPL)

Y8950 = 11

Yamaha Y8950 (MSX-Audio)

Ymf262 = 12

Yamaha YMF262 (OPL3)

Ymf278b = 13

Yamaha YMF278B (OPL4)

Ymf271 = 14

Yamaha YMF271 (OPX)

Ymz280b = 15

Yamaha YMZ280B (PCMD8)

Rf5c164 = 16

Ricoh RF5C164

Pwm = 17

Sega PWM (32x)

Ay8910 = 18

General Instruments AY-1-8910 / AY-3-8910 / AY-3-8912 / AY-3-8913 / Yamaha YM2149 / Yamaha YM2149F

Dmg = 19

Nintendo DMG (GameBoy/GameBoy Color)

NesApu = 20

Nintendo APU (NES)

MultiPcm = 21

Sega MultiPCM / Yamaha YMW258-F

Upd7759 = 22

NEC µPD7759

Okim6258 = 23

OKI M6258

Okim6295 = 24

OKI M6295

K051649 = 25

Konami 051649

K054539 = 26

Konami 054539

Hu6280 = 27

Hudson HuC6280

C140 = 28

Namco C140 / C219

K053260 = 29

Konami 053260

Pokey = 30


Qsound = 31

QSound DSP16A (Capcom CP System II)

Scsp = 32

Sega Saturn Custom Sound Processor / Yamaha YMF292

Wonderswan = 33

Bandai Wonderswan/Wonderswan Color

Vsu = 34

Nintendo VSU-VUE (Virtual Boy)

Saa1099 = 35

Philips SAA1099

Es5503 = 36

Ensoniq ES5503

Es5506 = 37

Ensoniq ES5506

C352 = 38

Namco C352

X1_010 = 39

Sega X1-010

Ga20 = 40

Irem GA20

Unknown = 255

A special value indicating an uninitialized value.

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def ay8910? #

def c140? #

def c352? #

def dmg? #

def es5503? #

def es5506? #

def ga20? #

def hu6280? #

def k051649? #

def k053260? #

def k054539? #

def makeInstance(vgm : VgmFile, sampleRate : UInt32, samplingMode : UInt8, playerSampleRate : UInt32, settings : VgmPlayerSettings) : AbstractChip | Nil #

Creates a new AbstractChip instance of the type that is represented by self.

def multi_pcm? #

def nes_apu? #

def okim6258? #

def okim6295? #

def pokey? #

def pwm? #

def qsound? #

def rf5c164? #

def rf5c69? #

def saa1099? #

def scsp? #

def sega_pcm? #

def sn76489? #

def unknown? #

def upd7759? #

def vsu? #

def wonderswan? #

def x1_010? #

def y8950? #

def ym2151? #

def ym2203? #

def ym2413? #

def ym2608? #

def ym2610? #

def ym2612? #

def ym3526? #

def ym3812? #

def ymf262? #

def ymf271? #

def ymf278b? #

def ymz280b? #