class Yuno::VgmPlayerSettings


Settings for a VgmPlayer instance.

Defined in:


Constant Summary


The default target sample rate for playback.


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def #

Creates a new VgmPlayerSettings instance.

Instance Method Detail

def dmgBoostWaveChan=(dmgBoostWaveChan : Bool) #

When true, then the "wave" channel on the DMG is boosted.

def dmgBoostWaveChan? : Bool #

When true, then the "wave" channel on the DMG is boosted.

def hardStop=(hardStop : Bool) #

When true, then AbstractChip#reset will be called on all chips when stopping playback.

def hardStop? : Bool #

When true, then AbstractChip#reset will be called on all chips when stopping playback.

def huc6280Core : Yuno::Chips::HuC6280::Core #

The emulation core to use for the YM2151.

def huc6280Core=(huc6280Core : Yuno::Chips::HuC6280::Core) #

The emulation core to use for the YM2151.

def sampleRate : UInt32 #

The target sample rate to use for playback.

def sampleRate=(sampleRate : UInt32) #

The target sample rate to use for playback.

def verboseMessages=(verboseMessages : Bool) #

When true, then extra messages may be printed to the console.

def verboseMessages? : Bool #

When true, then extra messages may be printed to the console.

def ym2151Core : Yuno::Chips::YM2151::Core #

The emulation core to use for the YM2151.

def ym2151Core=(ym2151Core : Yuno::Chips::YM2151::Core) #

The emulation core to use for the YM2151.