Scarlet Devil Mansion

31 January 2024

What's Coming in Benben v0.4.0

So first, ignore the previous posts about porting Benben to Common Lisp. I’m now confident that it can continue to be written in Crystal without worrying about threads and such. So uhh… yeah Jedi mind trick hand wave

Benben’s source repository Preview of the NES support (performance has since nearly doubled)

It’s looking like I’ll have v0.4.0 of Benben (my VGM player) out late Spring or early Summer, or maybe even a bit earlier. The bulk of work that’s left is adding new chips to its underlying library, YunoSynth, which takes time but is also a well established procedure now. Most of the features I planned for Benben v0.4.0 are already finished:

And lastly, there’s a few extra things I plan to add that aren’t in yet:

Changes to The Library, YunoSynth

YunoSynth is Benben’s companion library (also written in 100% pure Crystal), which is where the actual VGM chip emulation and rendering happens. Normally I work on this concurrently with Benben, then release updates to both at the same time, but this is going to be changing after v0.4.0 because…

YunoSynth will be ready for beta! :D

Basically, by the time Benben v0.4.0 is done, I’ll have implemented all of the chips I had planned for YunoSynth, and it will be functionally ready to have its API stabilized. I’ll probably call the next release of YunoSynth v0.99.0, following my usual versioning scheme, so Benben v0.4.0 will ship with YunoSynth v0.99.0. This doesn’t impact end users, it’s just a change in how things will be handled internally going forward.

Anyway, these are the new chips I’m looking to have implemented (or already implemented) in v0.4.0:

There’s only a few extra chips outside of these that the VGM specs supports, such as the Sega SCSP, but I haven’t found any VGM files that actually use this yet. I’m sure they exist, but I haven’t found them yet, and without a VGM to test that it works… well… :-P