class Haematite::FakeFilter


A filter that does nothing but pass samples through unaltered.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def #

Creates a new BiQuadFilter.

Instance Method Detail

def cutoff=(val : Float64) #

Sets the cutoff frequency of the filter. If this is less than the NyQuist limit, then the filter will be disabled.

def process(block : Array(Float32)) : Haematite::FakeFilter #

"Runs" the filter over block.

def process(block : Array(Float64)) : Haematite::FakeFilter #

"Runs" the filter over block.

def process(block : Slice(Float32)) : Haematite::FakeFilter #

"Runs" the filter over block.

def process(block : Slice(Float64)) : Haematite::FakeFilter #

"Runs" the filter over block.

def process(sample : Float64) : Float64 #

Processes a single sample with the filter, returning a new sample.

def reset : Nil #

def resonance=(val : Float64) #

Sets the resonance of the filter. This will be clamped to RESONANCE_MIN..RESONANCE_MAX.

def set(newCutoff : Float64, newResonance : Float64) #

Sets both the cutoff frequency and resonance of the filter. If the cutoff is less than the NyQuist limit, then the filter will be disabled. The cutoff will be clamped to RESONANCE_MIN..RESONANCE_MAX.

def updateCoefficients : Nil #