class Haematite::VoiceCollection


A set of Voice instances used for synthesis. The Synthesizer class uses this rather than creating voices directly during synthesis.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Synthesizer, maxActiveVoiceCount : Int32) #

Creates a new VoiceCollection instance.

Instance Method Detail

def activeVoiceCount : Int32 #

The number of active voices.

def clear #

Clears all voices.

def eachActive(&) #

Loops through all of the currently active voices, yielding each one to the block.

def process : Nil #

"Runs" all voices.

def requestNew(region : InstrumentRegion, channel : Int32) : Voice | Nil #

Requests a new Voice instance for the given instrument on the given channel. If the VoiceCollection has not yet reached the maximum polyphony, this returns a new Voice instance. Otherwise, this returns nil.