class Haematite::Voice


An individual voice that is currently active/being played by the synthesizer.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Synthesizer, filterMode : FilterMode = DEFAULT_VOICE_FILTER, chanFilterMode : FilterMode = DEFAULT_VOICE_FILTER) #

Creates a new Voice instance.

Instance Method Detail

def block : Array(Float64) #

The rendered data for this voice.

def chanFilterMode : FilterMode #

def channel : Int32 #

The channel this voice is playing on.

def filterMode : FilterMode #

Describes what kind of lowpass filter is used for the voice.

Note that the SoundFont standard specifies that the filter should be a 12db (2-pole) filter, but Haematite allows you to use other filters as well.

def finish #

Requests that the voice move into its release cycle.

def key : Int32 #

The note/MIDI key number this voice is playing.

def kill #

Immediately silences the voice.

def process : Bool #

"Runs" the voice.

def start(pair : RegionPair, channel : Int32, key : Int32, velocity : Int32) #

Starts playing the voice.

def velocity : Int32 #

The velocity of the key press of this voice.