class Haematite::SoundFontInfo


Contains information about a SoundFont.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : IO) #

Creates a new SoundFontInfo instance by reading data from the given stream.

Instance Method Detail

def author : String #

The author of the SoundFont.

def bankName : String #

The name of the SoundFont bank.

def comments : String #

Comments on the SoundFont.

def copyright : String #

The SoundFont's copyright.

def creationDate : String #

The creation date of the SoundFont.

def romName : String #

The ROM name of the SoundFont.

def romVersion : SoundFontVersion | Nil #

The ROM version of the SoundFont.

def romVersion? : SoundFontVersion | Nil | Nil #

The ROM version of the SoundFont.

def targetProduct : String #

The intended product for the SoundFont.

def targetSoundEngine : String #

The intended sound engine for the SoundFont.

def to_s(io : IO) #
Description copied from class Reference

Appends a short String representation of this object which includes its class name and its object address.

class Person
  def initialize(@name : String, @age : Int32)
end"John", 32).to_s # => #<Person:0x10a199f20>

def tools : String #

The tools used to make the SoundFont.

def version : SoundFontVersion | Nil #

The version of the SoundFont.

def version? : SoundFontVersion | Nil | Nil #

The version of the SoundFont.