struct Haematite::RegionPair
- Haematite::RegionPair
- Struct
- Value
- Object
A container for internal use that holds both a preset and an instrument.
Defined in:
Instance Method Summary
- #[](gt : GeneratorType) : Int
- #attackModulationEnvelope : Float64
- #attackVolumeEnvelope : Float64
- #chorusEffectsSend : Float64
- #coarseTune : Int
- #decayModulationEnvelope : Float64
- #decayVolumeEnvelope : Float64
- #delayModulationEnvelope : Float64
- #delayModulationLfo : Float64
- #delayVibratoLfo : Float64
- #delayVolumeEnvelope : Float64
- #endAddressOffset : Int
- #endLoopAddressOffset : Int
- #exclusiveClass : Int
- #fineTune : Int
- #frequencyModulationLfo : Float64
- #frequencyVibratoLfo : Float64
- #holdModulationEnvelope : Float64
- #holdVolumeEnvelope : Float64
- #initialAttenuation : Float64
- #initialFilterCutoffFrequency : Float64
- #initialFilterQ : Float64
- #instrument : InstrumentRegion
- #keyNumberToModulationEnvelopeDecay : Int
- #keyNumberToModulationEnvelopeHold : Int
- #keyNumberToVolumeEnvelopeDecay : Int
- #keyNumberToVolumeEnvelopeHold : Int
- #modulationEnvelopeToFilterCutoffFrequency : Int
- #modulationEnvelopeToPitch : Int
- #modulationLfoToFilterCutoffFrequency : Int
- #modulationLfoToPitch : Int
- #modulationLfoToVolume : Float64
- #pan : Float64
- #preset : PresetRegion
- #releaseModulationEnvelope : Float64
- #releaseVolumeEnvelope : Float64
- #reverbEffectsSend : Float64
- #rootKey : Int
- #sampleEnd : Int
- #sampleEndLoop : Int
- #sampleModes : LoopMode
- #sampleStart : Int
- #sampleStartLoop : Int
- #scaleTuning : Int
- #startAddressOffset : Int
- #startLoopAddressOffset : Int
- #sustainModulationEnvelope : Float64
- #sustainVolumeEnvelope : Float64
- #vibratoLfoToPitch : Int